Continuation of TV Presentation Diploma activities

News & Events

Continuation of TV Presentation Diploma activities

AJMI – Doha


Television Presentation Diploma organized by Al jazeera Media Institute started on twenty-seventh of last April, and its activities are going to continue until May 29.

15 trainees from several Arab countries, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Morocco and Qatar, are participating in this diploma. Up to now they have, so far, acquired many skills, including mastery of voice skills, keys to successful television presentation, basics of Arabic language and grammar skills needed by TV presenters. Unlike previous TV presentation diplomas, this diploma includes personal identity program for presenters, which was recently developed to help trainees develop their personal identities as presenters as each TV presenter has his own special and distinctive identity.

The diploma also covers various aspects in the field of television presentation such as news, talk shows and editing. Given that the famous media presenter Khadija Ben Gana is going to supervise trainees’ graduation projects of this diploma.

It is worth mentioning that this diploma is supervised by a variety of broadcasters and experts specialized in the field of TV presentation such as presenter Ahmed Taha, radio presenter Salem Al-Jahoushi, and Dr. Ibrahim Mansour, Ahmed Tahseen, Omar Al Saleh, Izdihar Shashaa, Fida Bassil, Nazih Al-Ahdab, in addition to Khadija Ben Qana.