Dina Aboughazala

Dina Aboughazala
Dina Aboughazala

Dina is an Egyptian media entrepreneur and a bilingual journalist, who spent 14 years working for the BBC before launching her media startup, Egab, in August 2020.

Egab acts as a virtual newsroom for local journalists from across the Middle East and Africa to empower them to publish stories that challenge stereotypes and dominant narratives about their communities in international media outlets. Egab specialises in solutions journalism; a genre focused on reporting how people respond to problems in their communities. 

During her years at the BBC, Dina covered political, social, economic, cultural and media developments in the MENA region. She also spent 1.5 years covering jihadist activity across the world, with a focus on these groups’ media operations, during which she produced several data-led pieces.

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