Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Sakhr Al-Makhadi is a British-Yemeni journalist who has lived in Damascus, London and Washington. He is now an Executive Producer at AJ+. Sakhr has reported from Lebanon and Jordan for the BBC's From Our Own Correspondent. He has spoken about journalism policy and ethics at the International Journalism Festival, the European Parliament and the University of Oxford. In 2012, he won the EU's Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalist Award for his coverage of Syria on the BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show.
Writer’s Articles
'Both sides’ journalism does not always show us the truth
Journalists are bound to tell the truth, not give platforms to positions which are demonstrably wrong in a misguided attempt to be ‘impartial’.
War Stories on Social Media: Audience Engagement and Ethical Hiring Practices
How AJ+ leverages social media to engage audiences with raw, unsensitized news while prioritizing ethical hiring practices for freelancers in conflict zones.