Our Courses

Social Media Strategies

Social Media Strategies


Makram Klach


From: 01/10/2023 - 05/10/2023

Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Category: The Art of Communication

6200QAR / 1699USD



• High school diploma or equivalent.
• Practical experience on social media platforms.

Course Description

The social media strategies is a specialized course designed for employees in media departments, especially those in social media platforms, to train them on effectively managing the platforms and producing digital content suitable for their audience.

Course Objective

At the end of this course, participants should:
• analyze audience data and identify their trends.
• Build a content strategy for media institutions on social media platforms.
• Have the ability to produce influential content for social media audiences.
• Have the ability to build a digital workflow plan and work according to it.
• Have the ability to create content for social media platforms: using programs optimally to produce content (video, designs, infographics, etc.).

Course Outline

• Definitions: target audience, content strategy, digital reputation, and other important terms.
• What are the tools and mechanisms for obtaining audience data, and how can we sort and benefit from it?
• What are the stages of building a content strategy?
• How do we turn a content strategy into an internal action plan?
• How do we produce influential content, and what are its key editorial and technical determinants?
• Digital video production: software used.
• Design for social media platforms.

Course Benefits

• A graduation certificate from Al Jazeera Media Institute.