Our Courses
Mobile Documentaries

Eyad AlDaoud
From: 02/06/2024 - 06/06/2024
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Category: Mobile Storytelling
• One year experience in media and journalism.
• High school diploma, university degree in media or journalism is preferred.
Course Description
The production of documentary storytelling through mobile and the changes in the way it is delivered and broadcast to the audience have led to fundamental changes in this type of filmmaking. This means that there have been changes in how the subject is approached, the duration, the presence of the filmmaker, the narration, publishing, and interaction with the audience.
This course is designed to provide journalists and producers with an overview of working with mobile to create documentary content. It also includes understanding the technologies and practical training on how to use them, as well as the ability to learn and understand the mechanisms of interacting with the audience.
Course Objective
By the end of this course, participants will:
• Discuss the fundamentals of mobile documentary.
• Use storytelling techniques effectively.
• Combine audio and visuals creatively.
• Define the workflow for producing mobile documentaries.
Course Outline
• Introduction to mobile documentary:
- Mobile photography vs. traditional camera photography.
- Differences in approach and content between television documentaries and mobile documentaries.
- Developments in the mobile documentary industry.
• Storytelling:
- Create creative content for documentary storytelling.
- Build unique and impactful stories for mobile documentaries.
- Types of storytelling using mobile.
• Audiovisual style:
- Importance of visuals, audio, and interactive sounds.
- Strong visual presence of the camera vs. high quality and technology.
- Visual and audio effects.
- Audio and video editing applications.
• Workflow:
- Content planning and framing the subject.
- Location and shooting plan.
- Select the editing style and design audio.
- Publishing and distribution plan.
Course Benefits
• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.