Our Courses

From: 15/10/2019 - 17/10/2019
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Category: Audiovisual Journalism
- University Degree in media.
- At least one year of experience in the media field.
Course Description
Since Media professionals are the most people who are involved with intellectual property rights given the nature of their work, it is important to provide them with a brief guide that help them to distinguish different copyright in this virtual world, whether through television, the Web, databases or software. This course provides an overview of the basics of intellectual property, and is a foundation course for more in-depth courses in the intellectual field.
Course Objective
At the end of the course, the participants will be:
- Be aware of the importance of intellectual property rights.
- Grasp the different types of intellectual property and how to protect them.
Course Outline
- Introduction to intellectual property (historical background - the extent to which it is considered as a means of production).
- Moral rights (non-material).
- Copyright and related rights.
- Trademarks.
- Geographical data.
- Industrial designs or models.
- Patents.
- Agreements relating to the international registration systems administered by WIPO.
- Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Patents and PCT.
- Unfair competition.
- Protection of new plant varieties.
Course Benefits
Graduation certificate from Al Jazeera Media Institute.