Our Courses

Creative Writing

Creative Writing


From: 20/09/2020 - 22/09/2020

Time: 09:30 - 13:30

Category: Media Skills

4200QAR / 1151USD



• University degree.
• Experience in media or writing in general; whether in opinion writing, thinking, or literature.
• It is preferable for the trainee to understand English in order to understand texts that may be presented during the course for comparison and analysis.

Course Description

The course revolves around methods and techniques of creative writing in general. It is not limited to literary writing in the field of literature, for example, but extends beyond it to the methods of creative writing for any text in a creative format on any subject, no matter how dry or far from the freshness of literature. This includes writing opinion articles, news reports, thoughts, short stories, or even personal emails. The focus is on the preferred method that the writer takes to reach the reader's mind in an eloquent format.

Course Objective

By the end of this course, participants will:
• Clarify the meaning of creative writing and its purposes.
• Define the main writing styles.
• Apply basic skills for writing a creative text.

Course Outline

• Introduction to creative writing:
- An introduction to writing and its purposes.
- The impact of writing and its authority.
- Between the written and the spoken.

• Introduction to types of writing, their types, and risks:
- Types of styles: between rational and emotional.
- Select a writing topic.
- How to research to serve the text before writing it.

• Techniques of the creative text:
- Preamble and entry into the subject.
- Traditional and creative text entry techniques.
- Techniques for building a creative text.

Course Benefits

• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.