Our Courses

Open Source Investigation Workshop ( Evening )

Open Source Investigation Workshop ( Evening )


Hassan Khodari


From: 03/12/2023 - 03/12/2023

Time: 16:00 - 21:00

Category: Training Workshops

300QAR / 82USD



• No prerequisites.

Course Description

Open sources constitute an important mine for investigations in terms of developing investigation ideas, research, access to and verification of information, building and communicating with sources, and many investigations have become dependent in their methodology on open sources in proving their hypothesis and accessing accurate evidence that is difficult to question, so that some European Union courts based its decisions on journalistic investigations that relied in its methodology on open sources, revealing corruption, violation of human rights, and assault on the environment and nature. Therefore, open sources have great importance to investigative journalists, especially in the Arab region, which suffers from high rates of corruption and human rights violations, and the difficulty of accessing information directly from governments, institutions and individuals, hence the importance of this workshop to help journalists benefit from local and global open sources in breaking the monopoly of information whose disclosure serves the public interest, and to provide safer, easier and less expensive methods and tools to access the information that the journalists need in their investigations and reports.

Course Objective

At the end of the workshop, participants should:
• Introducing the journalist to what open sources are and their importance in producing in-depth investigations and journalistic stories.
• Introducing the journalist to open sources at the country, regional and international levels.
• Introducing the journalist to how to search in open sources.
• Introducing the journalist to how to use open sources in the production of in-depth investigative and journalistic stories.

Course Outline

• What is open source and its importance.
• How to search online.
• Detection of financial crimes and corruption using open sources.
• Detection of war crimes and crimes against humanity using open sources.
• Track public figures using open source.
• Track events using open sources.
• Building journalistic story sources using open sources.

Course Benefits

• A participation certificate from Aljazeera Media Institute.