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Abdallah Elbinni
Al Jazeera Media Network
Abdullah Al-Binni is an executive producer at Al Jazeera Media Network, boasting over 30 years of experience in the television and journalism industry. With a diverse background spanning newsrooms, editing suites, and on-the-ground news and war coverage, he brings a wealth of expertise to his role. Throughout his career, Abdullah Al-Binni has garnered numerous international awards in the fields of photography and documentary production. Notable accolades include the Best Documentary Award for 2007 from the International Broadcasting Corporation in London for his film "Prisoner 345", the Best Investigative Film Award for 2012 from the Arab States Broadcasting Union, Broadcast Middle East Magazine for his film "Imam and the Colonel", and most recently, the Final Nomination Award from the New York Film and Television Festival 2020 for his series "War Hotels".
- Abdullah Al Bunni joined Al Jazeera Media Network in 2004 and has since produced numerous programs and documentaries. - He currently serves as an executive producer for Al-Marssad on Al Jazeera Arabic and for the documentary series "Hotels of War" on Al Jazeera English. - He has been involved in various stages of program management and production within the network. - His career began at an early age, working alongside his father in their private photography studio in the southern Lebanese city of Saida. - In 1987, he commenced his work as a photojournalist, collaborating with international news agencies towards the end of the Lebanese civil war. Later, he transitioned to become a news television cameraman with Future TV in Beirut upon its establishment in 1992. - By 1996, he had moved to the News Center of Abu Dhabi TV, where he served as a news photographer, editor, and subsequently as a documentary filmmaker. - Abdullah has produced investigative documentaries in conflict and war zones he covered, including the massacres against Muslims in Bosnia in 1999, the U.S. war in Afghanistan in 2001, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the 2006 Israeli July War against Lebanon. - In 2022, he authored a book titled "Hotels of War", adding to his achievements, which include winning several international awards in the field of documentary production.
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