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Mhamed Krichen
Aljazeera Arabic Channel
News presentation, Talk show
Krichen is one of the prominent media figures in the Arab world, boasting extensive expertise in television and radio presentation, journalistic writing, and media training. He was a founding member of the Al Jazeera Media Network and has continued to contribute significantly to its success since its inception on November 1, 1996. Additionally, he served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Committee to Protect Journalists in New York from 2011 to 2021. Krichan's contributions to journalism have been recognized with several awards, including the Best Radio Journalist Award in 1992. Furthermore, he was honored by the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat for his coverage of the Palestinian cause in 1992 and 1993.
1. Krichan's expertise spans over 40 years, during which he worked in esteemed institutions and various media fields. He served as an Arabic affairs editor for several Tunisian newspapers between 1980 and 1995. 2. He worked as a correspondent for numerous Arab newspapers and foreign radio stations, including Radio Monte Carlo and Radio Netherlands International. 3. Krichan also worked as a presenter at BBC Arabic Television in London before joining the founding team of the Al Jazeera Media Network in 1996, where he currently works. 4. He has contributed a weekly column to Al-Quds Al-Arabi since 1997. He has authored three books: "And Here Are the Details" in 2021 from Beirut, "Al Jazeera and Its Sisters" in 2006 from Paris, and finally, "The Palestinian Liberation Organization: History and Factions" in 1986 from Tunis.
Bachelor Degree
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