Our Experts

Mahmoud Abdelhady
Media Content Strategic Planning
With 35 years of journalistic experience characterized by vitality, passion, and dedication, this individual has traversed various roles including reporter, journalist, editor, program manager, news manager, founder of media institutions, general manager, trainer, and consultant. Throughout their career, they have played a pivotal role in the development and establishment of numerous media institutions within the Al Jazeera network and other media organizations. Their contributions have been recognized with numerous shields of appreciation and certificates of merit from various Arab media institutions.
- He has held positions in several prominent media institutions, including the Al Jazeera Media Network and Al-Shorouk Satellite Channel. Additionally, he has played a key role in establishing significant media ventures such as Al Jazeera Net, the Al Jazeera Media Institute, Al-Shorouk Satellite Channel (Sudanese), and TRT Arabic (Turkish). - He served as a strategic media planning consultant for TRT Arabic (Turkish). - He holds a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Literary Criticism and is currently pursuing a PhD focused on Strategic Planning for Media Content. - He conducts coaching and training sessions covering various areas such as planning and development, media skills, crisis management, and strategies for shaping public perception. - He actively participates in and contributes to numerous regional and international media development conferences and workshops.
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