Seventh child


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Seventh child

Ratna (30), after an unsuccessful attempt at breastfeeding her newborn. She is holding her seventh child. The newborn fell asleep from exhaustion. Ratna gave birth to her first child at the age of twelve. She is also a grandmother. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, Ratna tried home remedies for miscarriages. Nothing worked. On her island it is shameful to talk about birth control. No men in her community allow their wives to take charge. Ratna thought she would die this time. She had no help during childbirth. Her husband went fishing three days earlier. She couldn’t go to work. Staying at home with a newborn means starvation. Ratna’s young children do not ask her about their father or the newborn. All they want is food. 


Story & Photography: Fabeha Monir

Fabeha Monir

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