Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Clive Stafford Smith
Clive Stafford Smith

Clive Stafford Smith is an Anglo-American human rights lawyer who recently founded the new charity 3DCentre (, and who has often represented journalists being targeted in the ‘War on Terror’, including Sami Alhaj, the Al Jazeera journalist who was held in Guantanamo Bay. 

Writer’s Articles

Human rights lessons from a ‘terrorist’ journalist

It has ever been the case that when a journalist reports crimes by a despot, militant group or even, these days, a so-called democratic state, he is liable to be labelled a criminal.

Published on: 30 Jan, 2022
Secrecy is journalism's deadliest foe

When journalists unquestioningly swallow the narrative put forward by governments in the name of 'secrecy', it serves no-one.

Published on: 12 Sep, 2021