Al Jazeera Journalism Review

A picture of the author, Daniel Avelar, wearing a black and white checkered scarf.
Daniel Avelar

Daniel Avelar is a Brazilian journalist covering international affairs, human rights and online disinformation. They have an Erasmus Mundus MA in journalism, with a specialisation in war and conflict reporting.

Writer’s Articles

Glenn Greenwald explores how journalism can stop authoritarianism in Bolsonaro's Brazil

How can journalism stem the tide of rising authoritarianism? In his latest book, Glenn Greenwald tackles the thorny subject, drawing on his experiences investigating corruption in the Bolsonaro government in Brazil.

Published on: 5 Apr, 2021
Risking their lives on the frontlines, journalists in Brazil’s favelas struggle for recognition

By all measures, journalists from Rio’s favelas are among the bravest war reporters in the world, facing a constant threat of violence from all directions. Still, favela journalists continue human rights violations and serve their community.

Published on: 11 Mar, 2021