Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Kinga Rajzak

Kinga Rajzak is a Hungarian multimedia journalist based in New York and Budapest.

She covers Central and Eastern European politics, elections, migration, media freedom, domestic violence and human rights.

She holds a bachelor's degree in sociology and politics from Goldsmiths University (UK), a master’s degree in contemporary social thought from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), and an additional master’s degree in journalism from Columbia Journalism School (US).

Writer’s Articles

How Hungary’s media created the ‘Muslim bogeyman’

THE LONG READ: Hungary was one of the first Soviet-controlled countries to welcome refugees in the late 1980s. These days its government is one of the most opposed to migration in Europe. We examine how the media paved the way for this turnaround

Published on: 28 Dec, 2022