Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Mohammad Ahdad is a journalist with the Al Jazeera Media Institute. He is the author of the book, "A Hand in the Water and a Hand in the Fire," about investigative journalism.
Writer’s Articles
Victims of the Mediterranean: ‘Migrants’ or ‘Refugees’?
The term ‘migrant’ insufficient to describe victims of the horror unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea; it dehumanises these people and is a failure of journalism
From Syria to Ukraine - telling the stories of Russian aggression
REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: Omar Al Hajj, a Syrian journalist working for Al Jazeera, explains what it’s like to go from covering war in his own country to bearing witness to another on a different continent
Journalism and sociology; uneasy bedfellows
Journalism and sociology cannot be at odds since they are based on the same principle, and they use the same tools to construct social analyses. Still, the two disciplines do not see eye to eye. The sociologist sees the journalist as superficial, while the journalist sees the sociologist as cloistered in an ivory tower.