Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Muatasm Alhitari
Muatasm Alhitari

Muatasm Alhitari is a Yemeni journalist and TV cameraman. He has worked as a freelance journalist for Al Jazeera Arabic News Channel, BBC World and other media outlets. He currently works as a freelance news fixer for Al Jazeera English. 

Writer’s Articles

'They called me a traitor' - tales of a local freelance journalist in Yemen

Very few international journalists are currently based in Yemen because it is simply too dangerous to go there. Local - often freelance - reporters have continued to tell the stories of the human suffering there, however, and are facing greater dangers from militias than ever before. Our writer explains how he had to change the way he did his job, just to survive.

Published on: 18 Oct, 2021