Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Shuimo Trust Dohyee
Shuimo Trust Dohyee

A journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Cameroon, he reports on the critical intersections of environmental challenges, human rights, and marginalised communities. His work has appeared in various media outlets, including African Arguments, FairPlanet, Africa is a Country, The Continent, and Minority Africa.

Writer’s Articles

Cameroonian Journalists at the Center of Fighting Illegal Fishing

While the EU’s red card to Cameroon has undeniably tarnished its image, it has paradoxically unlocked the potential of Cameroonian journalists and ignited a movement poised to reshape the future. Through this shared struggle, journalists, scientists, conservationists, storytellers, and government officials have united, paving the way for a new era of ocean advocacy.

Published on: 21 Aug, 2024