Our Courses

Arabic Language for Media

Arabic Language for Media


Aref Hijjawi


From: 20/04/2025 - 24/04/2025

Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Category: General Media Skills

6200QAR / 1699USD



• Experience as a journalist, producer, or presenter in any field of media work.
• University degree in media.

Course Description

To be a successful media professional or journalist, it is not enough to be only proficient in your media tools, but also to have a perfect language free of grammatical errors. This can only be achieved by developing your language in parallel with understanding the grammar.

Course Objective

By the end of this course, participants will:
• Identify the basics of Arabic sentence structure and its attachments.
• Avoid most grammatical errors in media.
• Discuss the functional meanings of punctuation marks.

Course Outline

• Concept of language and the structure of the Arabic sentence:
- Value of proper writing in media work.
- Components of Arabic sentence.
- Sentence attachments.
- Philosophy of grammar.

• Media writing errors and how to overcome them:
- Reasons and justifications for writing errors.
- Most common mistakes in journalistic writing.
- Overcoming mistakes.
- The difference between linguistic error and opinion.

• Media editing and punctuation marks:
- Editorial policy.
- Journalistic writing and grammar.
- Functional meaning.
- Semantic values.

Course Benefits

• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.