Our Courses
Lighting Art in Photography / Speedlight ( Evening )

Abdullah Hamdan Al Mannai
From: 13/10/2019 - 15/10/2019
Time: 16:00 - 21:00
Category: Photography and Creativity Skills
• An academic qualification not less than high school and preferably university.
• Have a Speedlight 600EX-RT.
Course Description
"The art of photography is painting with light." This statement emphasizes the importance of light in photography. It's not just about lighting objects but also about visual and aesthetic shaping, aiming to create a visually expressive and dramatic artistic composition. To achieve this, one must learn various technical tools and equipment, especially the types of electric lamps, their characteristics, and their effects. This course is designed to teach the principles and concepts of lighting, whether in a studio or outdoors.
Course Objective
By the end of this course, participants will:
• Analyze lighting basics and distinguish between types of filters and reflectors.
• Discuss dramatic and psychological aspects of lighting.
• Differentiate between various lighting techniques and apply them effectively.
Course Outline
• Lighting characteristics:
- Natural and artificial light sources and the difference between them.
- Types of lighting and its equipment.
- Types of basic filters and how to control color temperature.
- Optical reflectors and light source control.
• Dramatic and psychological impact of lighting:
- Spotlighting the location.
- Characteristics of time: time, seasons, weather.
- Atmosphere: color temperature and the concept of hot and cold.
- Aesthetic: lighting and artistic composition of the image.
• Build lighting:
- Direct and indirect lighting, indoor and outdoor.
- Determining shooting locations and creating a balance in lighting.
- Concept of key light, fill light, and back light.
- Lighting relationship with decoration and background.
- Safety and security precautions.
Course Benefits
• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.