Our Courses

Design Thinking

Design Thinking


Ghiath Hawari


From: 10/10/2021 - 12/10/2021

Time: 13:00 - 16:00

Category: Online Courses

730QAR / 200USD



• Experience in service and product innovation either in administration or media field.
• Ability to work in a team.

Course Description

Cultures capable of "innovating the future" are an urgent necessity today for organizations and teams in all sectors. Design thinking innovation rules, adopted by innovation consulting firm IDEO, provide different tools, techniques and thinking principles. It enables you to see new opportunities and create solutions that make a difference. Mastering design thinking requires practice, and regardless of the role or level of your organization, you have to start.
Design thinking provides individuals and organizations with the tools they need to meet current challenges and innovate the future.

Course Objective

By the end of this course, participants will:
• Define inspiration and be human-centered.
• Generate ideas and design appropriate innovative solutions.
• Develop innovative preliminary models.

Course Outline

• Inspiration phase:
- How do I get started?
- How can I conduct interviews?
- How can I stay centered around people?

• Visualization phase:
- How do I interpret what I have heard and seen?
- How can I transform insights into tangible ideas?
- How do I generate ideas?

• Implementation phase:
- How do I turn the solution idea into reality?
- How can I evaluate its effectiveness?
- How do I build and test the initial model?

Course Benefits

• An electronic graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.