Our Courses

Skills of Voice Placement & Elocution ( Evening )

Skills of Voice Placement & Elocution ( Evening )


Fady Matar


From: 12/03/2023 - 16/03/2023

Time: 16:00 - 21:00

Category: Audiovisual Journalism

7200QAR / 1973USD



• High school diploma and above.
• General culture and especially media culture.
• Mastering of the Arabic language.

Course Description

"Make your voice heard." The news may be extremely important, but it won't capture the audience's (listener or viewer) attention if it's presented poorly. Therefore, this course suggests to radio and television presenters, as well as professionals in various media fields, to work on improving their vocal abilities. It provides them with theoretical knowledge and technical means that enable them to be aware of their voice, own it, and trains it to serve the content they want to convey to the audience.

Course Objective

By the end of this course, participants will:
• Identify the importance and components of voice.
• Use voice control techniques.
• Develop performance skills for the voice and control it.
• Present in a manner that captures the audience's attention.

Course Outline

• Concept and components of voice:
- Importance of the voice.
- Voice characteristics and its effect on the receiver.
- Voice and its relationship to personality, mental state and self-confidence.

• Control and mastery of voice:
- Breathing form the diaphragm.
- Relaxation, concentration and control of fear and emotions.

- Voice expression:
- Vocal layer.
- Voice strength and presence.
- Voice rhythm, speed, and dynamics.
- Tone and vocal image.

• Presentation and elocution:
- Articulation and pronunciation.
- Text segmentation and stress points in sentences.

Course Benefits

• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.