Our Courses

Novel Writing ( Advanced )

Novel Writing ( Advanced )


From: 24/12/2023 - 26/12/2023

Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Category: Media Skills

4200QAR / 1151USD



- Course graduation certificate from Aljazeera Media Institute.

Course Description

If you are interested to continue improving your skills in novel writing and getting more of its inevitable secrets and precise details, this course is designed for you. This course is an extension of the basic level of novel writing course that brings the trainee closer to fulfilling his dream of writing his first work.

Course Objective

By the end of the course, the trainee is expected to be able to:
- Show more progress in understanding novel writing skills.
- Learn more detailed styles of narrative writing.
- Come up with a practical experience through completing a significant amount of written exercises.

Course Outline

• Author's literary fitness:
Learn how to maintain writing fitness.

• Romantic story writing:
Practice various styles of writing emotional scenes.

• Quoting death talk from the novel’s character:
Practice writing death scenes on behalf of the character.

• Writing character features in allusions:
Training to how to show characters without explicit manner.

• Writing dreams:
Learning the ideal writing methods and styles of dreams.

• Describing the place from outside:
Learning how to write about places you can't visit.

• History writing:
Learning and understanding rules and procedures for history writing.

• Enriching the main scene with secondary details:
Practical exercises on enriching narrative scenes with secondary details.

• Dialogue interchange between characters:
Practice interchanging and rotating narration between key characters and secondary ones.

• Including information in the narration:
Learn how to wisely utilize information without unnecessary stuffing.

• Embodiment of bad characters:
Practice writing unlikeable characters.

• What narrative reflects without being said:
Practice methods that contradict what the narrative says.

• Bio-writing:
Learning rules and terms of biography writing.

Course Benefits

- Successfully pass the basic level of the novel-writing course.