Al Jazeera Ambassadors’ in a remote course

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Al Jazeera Ambassadors’ in a remote course

AJMI - Doha

Al Jazeera Media Institute had completed an online “Train Trainer” course in the framework of the activities of Aljazeera Ambassadors’ Initiative for the benefit of the Nitaq Center for the Development of Journalism and Opinion Industry. the course was led by trainer Jamal Al-Maliki for nine training hours.

Trainer Jamal said that 19 Iraqi media professionals had joined this course which consists of two parts, a theoretical part which includes practical interactive exercises and the second part which qualifies a trainee for course graduation certificate where each trainee has to present a systematic training plan along with a presentation video explaining and justifying his plan for evaluation and qualification for course certificate.

Asmaa Sabah, one of the participants, praised the course, saying: "Throughout the three training days, I completely forgot time and the rest of my colleagues shared me the same feeling,  and she went further to say “The most important thing we learned is patience with trainees questions and the timely response of the trainer and his detailed answers each time, and his perfect sequence of ideas and his interesting presentation without feeling bored, and his efforts to encourage for interaction and involvement”. She concluded: "This course is one of the most important training courses that will positively and quickly affect training methods of trainers in our institution.

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