Graduation of 17 trainees of “journalism and international laws” course

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Graduation of 17 trainees of “journalism and international laws” course

AJMI -Istanbul

Al Jazeera Media Institute organized a course on “journalism and international laws and legislations” in Istanbul. The course was held from October 22nd. To October the framework of activities of Media for Development Initiative in partnership with Visto International Organization for Rights and Development.

The course was trained by legal expert Ihsan Adel and was attended by 17 journalists of different Arab nationalities being selected out of 84 applicants.

The course aimed to enable journalists to follow up violations that are considered infringements to international laws, in addition to developingjournalists legal awareness to protect themselves against any violations to their rights.

The course dealt with the international legal framework in war zones and armed conflicts, human rights law, rules of freedom of expression, law enforcement, refugee issues, international legal protection for journalists and fundamental guarantees, international crimes, international tribunals, and the responsibilities and duties of journalists under international law.