Al-Jazeera Media Institute is going to launch a Public Relations Diploma next August

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Al-Jazeera Media Institute is going to launch a Public Relations Diploma next August

AJMI - Doha

Al-Jazeera Media Institute is gearing up to launch a Public Relations Diploma from August 18 to September 19, under the supervision and training of a specialized group of trainers and experts in PR.

Diploma program will enhance trainee's basic knowledge and skills in the field of public relations, that is an in-depth understanding of communication, marketing and public relations in addition to developing skills and providing tools necessary for a trainee to succeed in PR rapidly evolving field.

The program is going to cover multiple knowledge areas starting by introducing the field of public relations, planning public relations, organizing and planning conferences and events, familiarization with building communication strategies with internal and external audiences, preparing and managing media campaigns, effective communication with the press, enabling trainee to use media skills in times of crisis to deal with the public as well as familiarity with the rules of international etiquette for interviews and meetings, and finally helping a trainee to master necessary writing skills for public relations.

To register for this diploma, a trainee must have a university degree in media, or have a satisfactory experience in journalism, or holders of a high school diplomas who have some experience in public relations.