New Courses of AJMI: Stress Management and Resilience Building

News & Events

New Courses of AJMI: Stress Management and Resilience Building

AJMI – Doha

Within “Art of communication” category which was added by Al Jazeera Media Institute to the list of courses for the current year, the Institute will launch a new course titled Stress Management and Resilience Building,  which will be presented by trainer Rima Arab for three days next October.

This course, which will start on the first of October aims to enable participants to understand the impact of stress on physical and mental health, to identify the possibility of changing brain structure based on practical and theoretical experiences. The course will also address importance of body and mind relaxation, in addition to defining techniques required for concentration, assertiveness and problem solving.

The main themes of the course include types of psychological stress and its scientific definitions, difference between psychological stress and excessive anxiety, in addition to defining the concept of flexibility and the impact of stress on health. Then the trainer will move to the course the second part of the course which will discuss the impact of stress on the brain, reasons behind resistance to change, experience of Albert Al-Saghir and its relationship to different viewing  angles, learning theory and ability to adapt, and then the trainer will review importance of relaxation and the most effective techniques to achieve it, such as deep breathing and various breathing techniques, and then introducing participants to focus techniques, concept of mindfulness, basics of thinking and how to deal with anxiety and anger effectively.

Please note that this course does not require any prerequisites for enrolment, and hence it’s available to everyone.

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