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Visit of students of Ibn Al-Haytham Primary School to Al Jazeera Media Institute

AJMI - Doha
17 distinguished students of Speech and Public Speaking Group at Ibn Al Haytham Primary School visited Al Jazeera Media Institute on Monday, February 10.
During this visit, students were briefed on Institute's training services and the most important training courses offered, in addition to introducing them to the environment of radio and television studios.
For his part, Mr. Mustafa Shaaban, who supervised the visit of students to the Institute said that, “This visit aims to enhance media skills of students and to improve their performance through practical training and use of modern technologies”.
He pointed out that the visit gave them a deep understanding and real practice of how to deal with the machine reader (Auto-cue) and expand their knowledge in the field of television presentation and raise their awareness to the importance of mastering of language, voice control and positive body language. He also said, “I am totally convinced that the visit encouraged them to interact positively with others at all levels.