Within the framework of activities of Media for Development Initiative, the Institute held a course in Istanbul

News & Events

Within the framework of activities of Media for Development Initiative, the Institute held a course in Istanbul

AJMN - Doha

Within Media for Development Program, an intensive “Dealing with Media Skills” course was recently held in partnership with European Palestinian Media Center.

This course was presented by media expert Mohamed Daoud, Director of Standards and Quality Control Department of Al Jazeera Media Network. The course was held in Istanbul over a period of four days to train and develop skills of twelve trainees from different media backgrounds.

The training program focused on developing and polishing skills of trainees in order to deal with media effectively and efficiently through building trainees’ capabilities and enhance their readiness to interact with public and deal with different events.

Mohamed Dawood, the trainer, had put distinguished effort to help trainees and enable them to deal effectively with interviews and press conferences, enhance their public communication skills and equipped them with advanced techniques they need to deal with media in more professional manner.

Studio training

For their part, trainees expressed their great benefit from the training content and practical exercises provided by the trainer, pointing out importance of such courses in enhancing their professional skills and raising their efficiency in media field.

This course comes as part of the continuous efforts to enhance capabilities and empowerment of media professionals which match with the objectives of "Media for Development" initiative to keep pace with aspirations of Al Jazeera Media Network and its belief in the public's right to obtain information and using this initiative to enhance media role in serving communities and changing people's lives for the better.