Anam Hussain

Anam Hussain
Anam Hussain

Anam Hussain is a freelance diaspora journalist, born in Lahore, Pakistan and now based in Birmingham, UK.


Writer’s Articles

Connecting continents - the trials and tribulations of diaspora journalists

THE LONG READ: The tireless work undertaken by diaspora journalists to change narratives about their homelands and to build bridges between communities still goes largely unacknowledged

Published on: 8 Nov, 2022
The problem with foreign correspondents - wherever they may hail from

It’s good that the BBC recognises the value of not just sending white, British journalists to cover the internal affairs of other countries. But why send an Africa reporter to cover Pakistan?

Published on: 25 Oct, 2022
Why I’ve had to launch my own magazine about Pakistan

Western media is full of negative stereotypes about my birth country. My job as a diaspora journalist is to challenge those tired old tropes.

Published on: 12 Oct, 2021