Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Abdullahi Mire
Abdullahi Mire is a freelance journalist and refugee activist based in Nairobi. He is the founder of Dadaab Book Drive, an all-volunteer initiative to gather donated books for school-aged children and youth living in refugee camps.
Writer’s Articles
'We are not scared; we will tell our stories' - introducing Somalia’s first women-only newsroom
Braving threats from Al Shabaab as well as disapproval from their own, often patriarchal communities, six pioneering women have set up their own news agency in Somalia
Published on: 1 Jun, 2022
Radio Gargaar - grassroots broadcasting to refugees in Kenya
REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: What it’s like to host a radio show in the Dadaab refugee camp, situated in one of the world’s most overlooked regions, during a global pandemic.
Published on: 3 Oct, 2021