Our Courses
Crisis Media Management

Abdullah Jawdat
From: 15/09/2019 - 19/09/2019
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Category: The Art of Communication
• A degree in Media, Management or Marketing.
• Public Relations professionals.
Course Description
“Media is the spearhead in dealing with crisis response”. According to reality, organizations and states cannot escape crisis. So what is required from the media body generally represented by the Public Relations department during crisis? Shall they isolate or hide their entities form the media? Shall they change the truth; involve ourselves in self-deception and not recognizing the facts? Or shall they hide behind weak and unnecessary justifications.
Modern organizations are nowadays building their strategies on anticipating crisis before they occur and preparing virtual plan to cope with it rather than waiting for surprises.
This training course is dealing with all these aspects through the latest methods of media crisis management.
Course Objective
By the end of this course, participants will:
• Recognize the importance of the role of public relations in crisis management.
• Identify the causes and types of crises accurately.
• Predict crises before they occur and develop contingency plans to address them.
Course Outline
• Concept of crisis and its key elements:
- Types of crises and their characteristics.
- Causes of crises.
- Crisis life cycle.
- Negative and positive impacts of crises.
• Crisis management:
- Stages of crisis management.
- Elements of crisis management.
- Crisis management team.
- Managing digital media during a crisis.
• Strategic plans for crisis management:
- Elements of a media strategy for crisis management.
- Objectives of building a media strategy for crisis management.
- Pre-crisis management procedures.
- Media and communication during and after the crisis.
Course Benefits
• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.