Our Courses
Art of Etiquette ( Evening )

Zineb Khoudraji
From: 12/01/2020 - 16/01/2020
Time: 16:00 - 21:00
Category: Art of Communication and Management
• Desire to develop etiquette skills in both professional and daily life.
Course Description
With the growth of the business sector and the field of commerce, personal interviews have become a critical factor that can result in the selection of the right or wrong person for a business agreement or project. It has become essential for businessmen to have a sufficient understanding of the etiquette and protocol specific to the business world and personal interviews to ensure the highest level of professionalism. Even the slightest behavioral mistake can potentially delay or fail a business deal or work transaction.
Course Objective
By the end of this course, participants will:
• Define the concept of etiquette and its importance in the business field.
• Apply general etiquette rules and personal skills.
• Develop skills in effective communication, listening, and discussion techniques.
• Apply etiquette in formal events.
• Apply etiquette in daily situations.
Course Outline
• Concept and basic rules of etiquette and protocol:
- Concept of etiquette and protocol and its importance.
- International rules for meeting and interview etiquette.
- International rules for dining etiquette and its types.
- General elegance and its relation to the success of the task.
• General etiquette:
- Visual communication and its types.
- Personal identification card.
- Telephone etiquette.
- Etiquette for receiving and accompanying customers, guests, and welcoming them.
• Effective interaction and communication:
- Etiquette for dealing with managers, employees, and clients.
- Speaking and listening skills, and discussion techniques.
- Optimal way to manage meetings and seating arrangements.
- Invitation etiquette and restaurant behavior.
• Protocol at formal events:
- Preparation and planning for official visits.
- Etiquette and protocol rules at official banquets and receptions.
- Rules for using modern technology and communication methods.
• Protocol in special situations:
- Formal dining etiquette.
- Entering and exiting a car or doors.
- Basics of first impressions.
- Body language, both negative and positive.
Course Benefits
• A graduation certificate by Aljazeera Media Institute.