New Courses of AJMI Investigative story in data journalism

News & Events

New Courses of AJMI Investigative story in data journalism

AJMI – Doha

Al Jazeera Media Institute is going to launch a new course within the category of audiovisual journalism under the title: Investigative Story in Data Journalism, during the period from 15 to 19 of next September.

Due to availability of data and its increasing importance, the role of investigative journalism becomes more crucial in revealing hidden truths, enhancing transparency and accountability, and educating the public on complex issues by providing accurate and reliable reporting. In this course, participants will learn how to uncover data-driven stories.
The course targets journalists interested in enhancing their skills in data-driven investigative journalism, in order to be able to report more accurately with the required in-depth and impact.
This course will enable participants to learn about the concepts of investigative data journalism, conduct investigative research, seeking information sources for impactful stories, using data analysis and visualization techniques for investigative reporting, create compelling investigative narratives using data insights and how to measure impact of investigative journalism stories.
Course outlines include introducing participants to important concepts and the role of data in modern journalism and identifying reliable data sources. The course will also cover research and data collection techniques for story survey, including research strategies, planning, effective use of Internet sources and data acquisition techniques.
The course will also focus on data visualization for storytelling, through data analysis and preparation, interviewing data for investigative journalism, using data visualization tools, selecting the right types, as well as necessary steps to create attractive visuals of data.  The course will also address identifying story ideas based on available data, building investigative stories, story presentation techniques and integrating multimedia elements. The impact of investigative data journalism will also be assessed based on analyzing different types of influence such as social and political influence and their impact on the public, analysis and tracking mechanisms, and leveraging data for impact analysis.
Since the course aims to enhance journalists' skills in using data to produce effective investigative reports, participant must have a university degree in media, or have, at least, an experience of one year in media for non-media professionals.