Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Media Blackout on Imran Khan and PTI: Analysing Pakistan's Election Press Restrictions

Implications and response to media censorship and the deliberate absence of coverage for the popular former Prime Minister, Imran Khan, and his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), in the media during the 2024 elections in Pakistan.

Published on: 14 Feb, 2024
Digital Battlegrounds: The New Broadcasting Bill and Independent Journalism in India

New legislation in India threatens the freedom of independent journalism. The draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023 grants the government extensive power to regulate and censor content, potentially suppressing news critical of government policies.

Published on: 11 Feb, 2024
Pegasus Spyware: A Grave Threat to Journalists in Southeast Asia

The widespread deployment of spyware such as Pegasus in Southeast Asia, used by governments to target opposition leaders, activists, and journalists, presents significant challenges in countering digital surveillance. This is due to its clandestine operations and the political intricacies involved. The situation underscores the urgent need for international cooperation and heightened public awareness to address these human rights infringements.

Published on: 5 Feb, 2024
Media Monopoly in Brazil: How Dominant Media Houses Control the Narrative and Stifle Criticism of Israel

An in-depth analysis exploring the concentration of media ownership in Brazil by large companies, and how this shapes public and political narratives, particularly by suppressing criticism of Israel.

Published on: 1 Feb, 2024
In-Depth Analysis Reveals Distortion in U.S. Media's Coverage of the Gaza Conflict

A new quantitative analysis by The Intercept reveals the extent of distorted coverage in American media of the Israeli war on Gaza.

Published on: 14 Jan, 2024
In the Courtroom and Beyond: Covering South Africa's Historic Legal Case Against Israel at The Hague

As South Africa takes on Israel at the International Court of Justice, the role of journalists in covering this landmark case becomes more crucial than ever. Their insights and reporting bring the complexities of international law to a global audience.

Published on: 12 Jan, 2024
Did the NYTimes Manipulate the Sexual Violence Allegations of October 7?

An in-depth examination of the New York Times's investigation of alleged sexual assaults by Hamas during the Israeli war on Gaza, highlighting ethical concerns, and the impact of its reporting on the victims' families. It questions the journalistic integrity of the Times, especially in the context of Western media's portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Published on: 7 Jan, 2024
Is The New York Times Reproducing Allegations of 'Sexual Violence' to Downplay Israeli Crimes?

The New York Times' report on alleged sexual violence by Palestinian militants raises profound concerns about discrepancies in key testimonies and a biased reporting that aligns with Israeli narratives and downplays Israeli crimes in Gaza.

Published on: 31 Dec, 2023
Does international law protect Palestinian journalists?

International humanitarian law provides some protection for journalists, but there is a lack of effective measures against crimes committed against them. The Israeli occupation's impunity and lack of accountability for war crimes against civilians, including journalists, is a crisis for international law.

Published on: 12 Dec, 2023
Echos of Israeli Discourse in Latin American Media on Gaza

Heavily influenced by US and Israeli diplomatic efforts, Latin American media predominantly aligns with and amplifies the Israeli perspective. This divergence between political actions and media representation highlights the complex dynamics shaping Latin American coverage of the Gaza conflict.

Published on: 23 Nov, 2023
When Journalism and Artificial Intelligence AI Come Face to Face

What does the future really hold for journalism in the age of artificial intelligence AI?

Published on: 12 Oct, 2023
Closing the Door on Inciting Violence: How to Avoid Hate Speech

What is the definition of hate speech and what is its impact on society, particularly in the Arab world? Social media has a huge role in spreading hate speech and the conflicting relationship between hate speech and freedom of expression. The article explores the legal aspects of hate speech and provides guidelines for journalists to avoid promoting hate speech in their reporting.

Published on: 26 Jul, 2021
American Journalism… An attempt to place it in context

The media has started to mirror the severe cultural and ideological division in American society, and with the transition to the next American presidential administration, it is imperative that the Arab journalist understands how media platforms can address critical societal issues.

Published on: 22 Jul, 2021
Bias towards ideology at the expense of truth... Look for the reasons

Donald Trump’s election as US President in 2016 may have represented a key shift in the issue of ‘fake news’.

Published on: 19 Jul, 2021
Protection of Journalists under Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Global perspective and Arab world realities

Protecting journalists in times of peace and war is crucial. Understanding the legal framework and rights is essential for their safety.

Published on: 12 Jul, 2021