Media for Development

Media for Development

The Media for Development Initiative aligns with the aspirations of Al Jazeera Media Network and its belief in the public's right to access information. Through this initiative, we aim to enhance the role of media in serving communities and improving people's lives.

The main objective of the initiative is to empower individuals and institutions with media tools to strengthen democracy, governance, social harmony and raise awareness about essential issues such as health and education. We also aim to draw attention to urgent humanitarian issues such as the plight of refugees and victims of wars and conflicts.

Through the initiative, we seek to collaborate with academic institutions, civil society organisations and international media establishments to benefit journalists worldwide by providing them with journalistic knowledge and field experience. This is made possible through the network's newsrooms, digital platforms and extensive network of correspondents as part of its social responsibility programmes.

The initiative comprises several projects divided into four main areas: journalism education, development of journalistic practices, improvement of the media landscape and support for independent media initiatives.