AJMI launched a new interactive program titled "Novel writing"

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AJMI launched a new interactive program titled "Novel writing"

AJMI - Doha

On Thursday, February 13th, Al Jazeera Media Institute launched a new interactive program titled "Novel writing", presented and supervised by Mr. Ahmed Val El-Din, who is one of the prominent literary voices that combine between media career and novel production, as he is a journalist and field reporter and at the same time, he wrote various stories and fictions that achieved wide attention and praise.
The program deals with the roots of Arabic novel, which extends back to the art of “Maqamat” of Al-Hariri and Al-Hamdani, one thousand years ago, and delves into secrets of building persuasive characters, explaining techniques of building novelist character and importance of giving it its independent space within the text, and clarifying its motives and goals to create a conflict that grabs the attention of the reader and keeps him attached to events.
The program also addresses the problem of novel writing language between classical language and colloquial, stressing that clear eloquent language is the key to communicate with the reader without vulgarity, and pointing to the importance of using sensory details such as trembling lips or fists instead of abstract expressions, because the " embodied” image is more expressive and stronger than expressing it.
The program warns that the writer's education and culture may turn into a "curse" if it turns into a cognitive display that weighs down the text, and explains how culture can be used lightly within the story. He also highlights importance of immersing into local environment, criticizing novels that borrow scenes alien to cultural context, as well as in some works that describing details of celebrations that do not belong to the environment of their characters.
This type of program represents an important step to support writers and creators, especially in light of increasing demand for novels as one of important means of expression in various societies, Accordingly, Al Jazeera Media Institute is keen to provide diversified quality content that enriches knowledge and develops talents.
This program falls within the category of digital content programs directed to audience of Al Jazeera Media Institute social media platforms, as the Institute seeks through these programs to provide followers with knowledge and skills based on successful experiences and practices that help create a generation of writers who are capable of creative writing tools.

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