An interview with a trainee: Zainab Mohammed

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An interview with a trainee: Zainab Mohammed

AJMI - Doha 

Zainab Mohammed Al-Hajji, Executive Officer with the International Communications Department of Al Jazeera Media Network.

A graduate of Qatar University, Department of English Arts. She worked as an English teacher and co-hosted “Know Qatar” program on the screen of Aljazeera Live Channel. In her childhood, school community, with its interactive activities ranging from radio, acting performance and local participation in television, polished her skills, boost her interest and encourage her to join the media and finally she moved from the field of education to the media.

Tell us about your talents?

My skills manifest themselves in two parts: the side of arts, whether in painting, interest in Islamic inscriptions and writing in Arabic calligraphy. The other part revolves around sport activities, specifically swimming and cycling addition to an authentic love to explore and try everything new in the field of sport.

Tell us about courses you had joined at this institute?

I joined many courses in this Institute as early as 2010 and up to date. But I guess the most important training programs that had left an impact on my personality and career was the intensive "Public Relations Diploma", as I feel it has a direct relation with my field of work, so I was always getting and understanding knowledge from trainers in the evening and apply it next day in my work, which reflected positively on my professional performance. In addition to joining other diploma programs related to the field of television presentation that enabled me to participate in the presenting "Know Qatar”, a television program in two seasons and I am currently preparing for second program.

Here, I would like to pay tribute to the trainer "Khaled Saleh", who I had the opportunity to be trained by him on “display and presentation skills “course at the time. During the course, he believed in my ability to present and encouraged me to give the first presentation of my life in front of senior leaders at my workplace, which was the spark of self-confidence and belief in own abilities.

What about your media message?

I seek to leave a good legacy that harmonizes our Islamic message and values to enrich media content with useful topics and issues and tp be the positive face in the media field.

What advice would you like to give to other trainees?

I advise them to join media skills course/dealing with the media, as it opens the horizons of interest in the field of body language such as gestures, movements and words, and explains its effects and importance in delivering media message successfully.

Final Word:

What distinguishes Al Jazeera Media Institute is that knowledge is not only theory but rather a systematic practical framework that can be applied practically in any field, and this is what distinguishes the Institute from other Arab training institutes.

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