Gaza Coverage
How Western Mainstream Media Covered Israel’s Massacre of Palestinians on March 18
On March 18, Israel launched a large-scale assault on Gaza, killing over 412 Palestinians and injuring more than 500, while Western media uncritically echoed Israel’s claim of “targeting Hamas.” Rather than exposing the massacre, coverage downplayed the death toll, delayed key facts, and framed the attacks as justified pressure on Hamas—further highlighting the double standard in valuing Palestinian lives.
Challenging the Narrative: Jeremy Scahill on the Need for Adversarial Journalism
Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill calls for a revival of "adversarial journalism" to reinstate crucial professional and humanitarian values in mainstream Western media, especially regarding the coverage of the Gaza genocide.
MSNBC Deletes Interview with Journalist Criticising Western Media’s Bias Towards Israeli Narrative
MSNBC deleted an interview with journalist Jeremy Scahill after he criticised American media’s biased portrayal of Israeli actions in Gaza, condemning the framing of civilian casualties as "self-defence." Scahill argued that any discussion of Gaza’s leaders must address the broader context of occupation and longstanding injustices faced by Palestinians.
A Year of Genocide and Bias: Western Media's Whitewashing of Israel's Ongoing War on Gaza
Major Western media outlets continue to prove that they are a party in the war of narratives, siding with the Israeli occupation. The article explains how these major Western media outlets are still refining their techniques of bias in favor of the occupation, even a year after the genocide in Palestine.
Failing Gaza: Pro-Israel Bias Uncovered Behind the Lens of Western Media
Journalists at CNN and the BBC expose the inner workings of their newsrooms, a year into Israel’s war on Gaza.