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“In an eloquent tongue", a new program on platforms of AJMI
AJMI - Doha
At the start of the blessed month of Ramadan, Al Jazeera Media Institute launched a new digital program called "In an eloquent tongue” which comes among a series of digital programs produced and presented by the Institute to audience of social media platforms. "In an eloquent tongue", program aims to enhance eloquence and mastery of Arabic language in an interactive and seamless manner.
It is prepared by linguistic expert Sayed Harimo, presented by journalist and writer Mohamed Saleh and produced and supervised by Digital Content Unit of the, Al Jazeera Media Institute.
The program consists of twenty episodes, each covering a different linguistic topic, focusing on fundamental issues that contribute to developing language skills and enhance linguistic awareness. Some of the topics covered by the program include, language acquisition, minor differences in vocabulary meanings, common linguistic errors among writers and journalists and other issues related to loud reading and its role in developing language performance.
" In an eloquent tongue" provides a comprehensive vision on importance of preserving Arabic language, not only as a communication tool, but as a cultural and civilizational identity.
The program highlights virtues of Arabic language such as its unique music and rhythm, its etymological flexibility and its innate logic.
It also highlights common mistakes in contemporary usage, correcting them and discussing linguistic issues associated with these mistakes in a simplified way that match preference of social media audiences.
This program comes as part of , Al Jazeera Media Institute efforts to provide distinguished digital content that enrich public audience knowledge and promotes language skills in an enjoyable way.
It also expresses the Institute's commitment and interest to reinforce awareness of Arabic language and motivate public at large to preserve this deep-rooted language as an essential part of Arab cultural identity.