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AJMI Announces Winners of Journalism Students Scholarship and invites them to Attend the Forum of Journalism Colleges

AJMI - Doha
Al Jazeera Media Institute announced the of winners of Journalism Students Scholarship and invites them to participate in the Forum of Journalism Colleges in Arab World which will be held in Doha from 14 to 16 of October 2023.
It worth to be mentioned that four contestants won the prize: Afnan Ouinat from Jordan, Anas El Shaara from Morocco, Rehab Zahiri from Tunisia and Fatima Alzahra Zaidi from Algeria.
Topics of the competition included teaching curricula, digital transformation, and the reality of teaching journalism in Arab region. Given that the competition is based on specific standards and conditions specified by a competent jury and declared last August.
More than 300 students from different education levels and different Arab universities participated in the scholarship competition. Winners of competition will have the opportunity to come to Doha to participate in the Forum of Arab Journalism Colleges, in addition to publishing works of the winners on platforms of Al Jazeera Media Institute.