AJMI publishes a digital book on World geography for media pros

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AJMI publishes a digital book on World geography for media pros

AJMI - Doha

Al Jazeera Media Institute has released the digital edition of the book, "A Journalist’s Tour of the World's Political Map," by Palestinian journalist and media consultant Aref Hijjawi.
Commissioned by Al Jazeera Media Institute, Hijjawi prepared this book to be an essential reference for media professionals and newsroom staff across the Arab world, providing foundational information on the geopolitical landscape of the modern world in an accessible style and straightforward language. The book also covers fundamental issues such as sourcing for journalists, interacting with news agencies, the significance of maps, and emphasizes general culture and continuous reading as indispensable conditions for journalistic excellence.
The digital edition of this practical handbook contains 91 colorful pages enriched with maps and explanatory images, aiming to enable journalists to better grasp the historical and geographical contexts of current crises and complex, sensitive political situations that significantly impact global events. This understanding enhances journalists' capabilities to produce accurate reporting and avoid common errors.
This digital book release aligns with Al Jazeera Media Institute’s ongoing efforts to advance professional knowledge among journalists through the publication of high-quality, free books and guidelines, leveraging the expertise and skills of prominent journalists and media professionals across various fields.
The book is now available for free download on the Al Jazeera Media Institute’s official website.