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Success Story: Haroun Nemoul

AJMI - Doha
Haroun Nemoul is a journalist, producer and news anchor in the Algerian national news channel ENNAHAR- TV. He speaks highly of the impact of the Institute's in his career in terms of TV presentation and in professional sound reading.
- Tell us more about yourself:
I have been working as a journalist, producer and news anchor in ENNAHAR- TV since 2012. I graduated from Constantine University "Media and Communication Science”. My studies at the university were primarily theoretical but in parallel I had a radio experience for two years as a journalist as well as news and programs presenter. I also worked as sports programs presenter for the Algerian radio station in Constantine, which was my first step towards visual media.
- What are your hobbies?
I’m passionate about a lot of hobbies; Photography as a start which I consider one of the best ways to express thoughts and feelings. I also read a lot; reading is in fact helps in making a great successful journalist. I’m also a big fan of sports especially football.
- What courses did you attend?
In 2015, I attended the course "TV news presentation" with Professor "Ghada Owais", I learned about the fundamentals of presentation and dialogue with real experiences and tests. This course and along with the professionalism and rigorousness of the Trainer advices had significant impact on my career as a news anchor today.
A few months later I joined the course "Skills of voice placement and elocution" with Pr. Fady Matar, which was just what I needed to improve my skills as a presenter since I started my career in the Radio. With advices and guidance of Pr Fadi Matar, Isignificantly improved my elocution skills.
- What is your media message?
I always tell my friends and colleagues that media is a tool for “Education” ; It describes the reality as it stands out with its advantages and disadvantages to teach us a lesson, to value the righteous and try the fix the erroneous . Media is also an "educator for generations" if it carries noble and purposeful messages, media can also change reality if used as a weapon by the right hands.
- How do you see media training, is it a demand or a luxury?
Study, training and learning are never considered as luxury as long as we want to excel, to succeed and to improve ourselves. Aljazeera Media Institute provides the most professional media trainings through targeted courses and the participation of expert trainers. It will help acquire and develop media skills for beginners and professionals alike...
I think, the media personnel should never stop asking for more training because we are talking here about an ever evolving field.
- Last word?
I thank the Institute for the valuable lessons; I was privileged to attend training courses there. I also had the pleasure to meet some of the finest young people of the Arab world with whom I’m still in contact to date. It was really a pioneering and outstanding experience and who knows I might return to take another course in the future God willing.