Al Jazeera Journalism Review

Nina Montagu-Smith
Nina Montagu-Smith

Nina Montagu-Smith is the editor of Al Jazeera Journalism Review and was previously a features and opinions editor in Al Jazeera English's digital division. She has worked as a journalist for more than 25 years, including as a reporter and editor at The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Times in London as well as at various magazines in Jordan and Turkey.

Find her on Twitter: @ninamontagu

Writer’s Articles

Is the media responsible for the Auckland violence?

The media is failing to adhere to well-founded principles of journalism in its coverage of transgender issues. Violence is the result

Published on: 27 Mar, 2023
When will this epidemic of dead and dying journalists come to an end?

Journalists are being targeted and killed in greater numbers than ever before. What will it take to get our leaders to act?

Published on: 25 Jan, 2023
Julian Assange is no hero among journalists

A record number of journalists are languishing in prisons around the world, yet Assange is constantly held up as a poster boy for this type of injustice. There are far more deserving candidates

Published on: 10 Jan, 2023
In appreciation of sports journalists

The common perception of sports journalists as mere entertainment reporters is far from the full story

Published on: 15 Dec, 2022
Why Western media makes this football fan so uneasy

Criticism of Qatar in the lead up to the World Cup was always a given. But some of the hypocrisy on display is something else

Published on: 27 Oct, 2022
When leaders can't take a joke, we must make fun of them all the more

The BBC’s decision to censor satire in future political panel shows at the behest of the UK’s new prime minister shows it is hardly different to any state-controlled media organisation operating under authoritarian regimes

Published on: 7 Sep, 2022
‘Fake news’ laws are killing journalists

Countries which have introduced ‘digital security’ laws in the name of combating fake news are also seeing a rise in harassment and even murders of journalists

Published on: 27 Jun, 2022
The occupation of Palestine is not a conflict of equal sides - media needs to start telling the truth

Western media's response to the killing of veteran journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli forces in Palestine is shameful. Until the media starts reporting the truth about Israeli brutality in Palestine, the killing of journalists doing their jobs will continue

Published on: 11 May, 2022
When women are being smeared - listen to what they are saying

Cassandra was cursed to always see the future, but to never be believed. For female journalists like Carole Cadwalladr, long dismissed as a 'mad cat lady', it’s a familiar tale

Published on: 16 Mar, 2022