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AJMI launches 4th edition of Al Jazeera Fellowship

Al Jazeera Media Institute - Doha
Al Jazeera Media Institute has launched the fourth edition of the Al Jazeera Fellowship program, which targets journalists interested in conducting academic research related to a field in the media industry or its development.
The Institute announced the launch of the first English version of the program. The participants in this version of the program will complete their research remotely, due to the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Participants will receive the training required on scientific research methodologies and contemporary media issues, under the supervision of the Media Initiatives Department at Al Jazeera Media Institute, and a number of fellow journalists and researchers from Al Jazeera Media Network.
The program focuses on three key areas, the first of which is digital journalism and the conjunction of journalism with new digital technologies, which is prioritized by the program's selection committee.
The second area focuses on the challenges facing media organizations, particularly with regard to digital transformation strategies and coping mechanisms for changing newsroom conditions.
The third area focuses on research topics related to the role of the press in promoting democracy and human rights.
Applications for the program will be accepted from November 15 to December 7, 2020. The names of the accepted applicants will be announced on January 15, 2021.The 3-month fellowship program will start in February 2021.
For more details, please visit the Al Jazeera Fellowship website.
The researches done previously are available here.