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Media for Development Initiative organizes a training course at the University of Baghdad

AJMI - Baghdad
Media for Development initiative of Al-Jazeera Media Institute completed a specialized course in mobile journalism, led by trainer Abdullah Al-Shehaimi for the interest of the University of Baghdad attended by 16 academics of media department.
Professors joined the course praised the sincere efforts of the trainer and showed their great concern to transfer this knowledge to their students, noting the importance of acquiring mobile phone skills in preparing media reports.
Also, a professional seminar was held at the University of Baghdad on “Journalism in Digital Age” attended by ninety students in an open interactive meeting. This seminar represented a valuable opportunity to discuss the reality of Journalism profession and the challenges it faces where attendees showed an unpresented interaction with this topic.
On the other hand, Media Department of Faculty of Arts at the University of Samarra hosted Mr. Montaser Marei, Director of Media Initiatives Department at the Institute, in a scientific symposium titled: The Value of Journalism in Digital Age.
The seminar aimed to promote the concept of real journalism, top up students' knowledge of technological developments that led to the birth of digital media and modern media and importance of opening doors to cooperation with reputable media institutions.
On the sidelines of the visit of Media for Development to the University of Baghdad, the Initiative held several meetings, including a meeting with the President of the University of Samarra, a meeting with officials from Iraqi Media Network, in addition to a number of other meetings with media delegations to discuss ways of cooperation and future partnerships.
It is noteworthy that this cooperation and educational programs contribute to raising level of awareness and skills of both academics and students in the field of digital media with the aim of enhancing quality of media reports in order to keep pace with modern technological developments.