Two training workshops for Simaisma and Al-Dhaayen Girls

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Two training workshops for Simaisma and Al-Dhaayen Girls


AJMI - Doha

In the framework of the activities of Aljazeera Ambassadors’ voluntary initiative, Aljazeera Media Institute held two training workshops for Simaisma and Al-Dhaayen Girls Forum.

Video production workshop for digital platforms for  Simaisma and Al Daayen Girls Forum was led by Jana Al-Muslimani, a producer at Aljazeera Media Institute.

The workshop were attended by 15 young girls interested in developing their skills in digital video production where Jana Al-Muslimani trained them on how to create attractive and effective video content worth publishing on digital platforms. The workshop also covered a wide spectrum of topics, such as basics of photography and editing.

Jana Al Maslamani said: "One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role as a trainer within the Al Jazeera Ambassadors Volunteer Initiative is feeling the passion and zeal for discovery and knowledge among trainees, and guiding them through practical exercises to allow them feel practicing theoretical knowledge.

For their part, the young girls expressed their desire to apply what they learned to create unique video stories.

In the same context, Simaisma an Al-Dhaayen Girls Forum honored colleagues Jana Al-Muslimani and Rania Al-Jamal for training digital video production workshop and television presentation workshop for young people.

Through Al Jazeera Ambassadors’ Initiative, the Institute aims to train young age groups inside and outside Arab world to empower media talents around the world.