Al Jazeera Journalism Review

How to use social media for newsgathering

Social media platforms are too easily dismissed as ‘not serious’ when it comes to newsgathering. But you can use them as you would the news wires - here’s how.

Published on: 28 Sep, 2021
Leaks - a badly behaved guest in the newsroom

The recent 'Facebook Files' - revelations about the inner workings of the tech giant published by the Wall Street Journal - were based on leaked internal information. But while leaks can be a valuable source of information for journalists, they can also be used to manipulate them.

Published on: 21 Sep, 2021
Have you been hacked? - What Pegasus spyware revelations mean for journalists

How to protect yourself following the news that sophisticated spyware has been used to hack the smartphones of journalists, activists and politicians around the world.

Published on: 19 Sep, 2021
Protecting Newsgathering through the Sustainable Use of Social Media

The importance of social media in providing access to different perspectives and immediate stories, but there is also an emphasis on the ethical considerations and potential harm to content creators.

Published on: 16 Aug, 2021
War Stories on Social Media: Audience Engagement and Ethical Hiring Practices

The horrific scenes became more accessible than ever before.

Published on: 23 Jun, 2021
Antixenophobic media: An impossible goal?

Current media coverage in Jordan and Lebanon tend to demonize refugees and migrants. How can newsrooms prevent this sort of generalization and demonization?

Published on: 2 Jun, 2021
How to bring more balance to western media coverage of Israel and Palestine

How can journalists accurately cover Palestine without becoming unbalanced or biased? Here are some concrete tools and techniques for reporters to keep in mind.

Published on: 17 May, 2021
Arab Investigative Journalism: Good Intentions Are Not Enough

What should young journalists in the Middle East know about investigative journalism before they jump into the field? Veteran reporter Yasser al-Zayyat clarifies misconceptions and gives advice in his latest piece.

Published on: 12 Apr, 2021
Beyond objectivity: The rise of reformist news

The core mission of the news industry is telling viewers the day's events. But another core mission of journalism is to make the world a better place, which means going beyond the facts to change what’s wrong and defend what’s right. Those two missions are in conflict today.

Published on: 23 Mar, 2021
Female journalists struggle for representation in the Arab Gulf

The “glass ceiling” that prevents women journalists from progressing in the Gulf is not due to a lack of competence, but rather a product social norms that encourage the press to favour men over women when filling posts.

Published on: 8 Mar, 2021
Importing credibility: Why does foreign private media invest in the Arab media market?

Why are western media companies all of a sudden interested in opening channels in the Arab World?

Published on: 1 Mar, 2021