Rise and Fall of Kashmir’s First Independent Magazine, Kashmir Walla

Kashmir Walla Office after Indian police raid
Kashmir Walla Office after Indian police raid

Rise and Fall of Kashmir’s First Independent Magazine, Kashmir Walla


Jailed, silenced, and erased—how a fearless journalist built Kashmir’s most vital independent news platform, only to see it brutally shut down by the state. The Kashmir Walla, known for its bold coverage of politics, conflict, and human rights, became too powerful to ignore—so they made sure it disappeared.


Srinagar, Kashmir: Journalism is becoming increasingly challenging worldwide, but in Indian-administered Kashmir, it is not just difficult—it is outright dangerous. The region has become a testing ground for new methods of controlling journalists, silencing dissent, and sending a clear message: even in one of the world's largest democracies, independent and critical journalism will not be tolerated. From censorship and intimidation to arrests and enforced disappearances, the press in Kashmir operates under constant threat, making it one of the most perilous places to be a journalist today.


Despite these mounting challenges, independent voices like The Kashmir Walla continued to strive to document the truth in an environment increasingly hostile to journalism, but that too was wiped out in 2020, and the founder was arrested and imprisoned for two years under different cases originally meant for criminals. 

The Kashmir Walla (KW) was founded in 2009 by Fahad Shah as a personal blog, but over time, it evolved into a prominent independent news and opinion platform. Known for its critical coverage of politics, conflict, human rights, and socio-cultural issues in Jammu and Kashmir, KW became a vital voice in the region’s media landscape. 

When I joined The Kashmir Walla, it was one of the few truly independent news organisations in Kashmir, fearlessly reporting on issues that most others either avoided or couldn’t cover due to immense pressure.

Beyond its on-the-ground reportage, the publication also served as a training ground for aspiring journalists, particularly fresh graduates from journalism schools. It provided them with opportunities to learn, report, and publish stories, helping many gain firsthand experience in the field. For some, KW was a stepping stone, equipping them with the skills and exposure that later enabled them to secure positions in national and international publications beyond the valley. 

Based in Srinagar, The Kashmir Walla emerged as a crucial voice for the region, often operating under intense state pressure. However, on August 5, 2019, when India unilaterally revoked Articles 370 and 35A—stripping Jammu and Kashmir of its special status—the landscape shifted dramatically. The crackdown on press freedom intensified, and for journalists in Kashmir, including those at The Kashmir Walla, the challenges became even more severe. The space for independent journalism shrank, and navigating the new reality became a constant struggle against censorship, intimidation, and an increasingly hostile environment. 


An Inquiry Transformed into a Jail Sentence 

Around 2020, Shah first started receiving the summons and underwent hours of questioning, which made him realise the situation was taking a serious turn. Over time, the frequency increased—he was summoned more than a dozen times. Soon, the pressure escalated beyond official channels. “I began receiving calls from officials and unknown sources, warning me not to "cross the line." Shah told Al Jazeera Institute in a conversation, “There were also direct demands to take down certain stories, but I refused to comply. As an editor, the weight of these threats became overwhelming, particularly between 2020 and the end of 2021.” 

The Kashmir Walla (KW) was founded in 2009 by Fahad Shah as a personal blog, but over time, it evolved into a prominent independent news and opinion platform.
The Kashmir Walla (KW) was founded in 2009 by Fahad Shah as a personal blog, but over time, it evolved into a prominent independent news and opinion platform.


The intimidation was relentless, and the space for independent journalism kept shrinking. Then, in just a few months, the inevitable happened. Shah was asked to report to the Pulwama police station, he arrived there in the afternoon. Hours passed as he waited, but by late evening, he was informed that he could not leave and was officially arrested on February 4, 2022. "I called my mother and told her, ‘I won’t be coming home tonight; I have to stay here.’ Shah recalled, “That stay just went on and on, endlessly." 


The Alleged Offenses 

Shah was charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). It is an act passed in 1967 to outlaw and punish terrorist and unlawful activities that threaten India's sovereignty and integrity.

Shah was first arrested in Pulwama, marking the beginning of a series of legal entanglements. After securing bail in that case, he was immediately re-arrested in another case in Shopian. Once bailed out there, he was again taken into custody in a separate case in Srinagar. Just as he was about to secure bail in that instance, he was booked under the Public Safety Act (PSA) and transferred to Kupwara Jail. 

While he was behind bars, the crackdown intensified. In April 2022, his office and home were raided, and yet another case was filed against him by the State Investigating Agency (SIA) Jammu. By June 2022, he was taken from Kupwara Jail and transported to Jammu, where he was formally arrested in the new SIA case—deepening his legal ordeal. 

"I was held in the Jammu Joint Interrogation Centre for 20 days in a cell before being transferred to Kot Bhalwal Jail in Jammu, where I remained until November 2023. It was only after the High Court granted me bail that I was finally released." 

Journalism, at its core, is about reporting facts and speaking the truth—that is the fundamental faith every journalist must hold. Whether or not journalism leads to change is a different matter; it varies from story to story.


Shutdown of The Kashmir Walla (KW) 

The Kashmir Walla was permanently banned and taken down by the government in August 2023 while Shah was still in prison. The news of its erasure reached him through a conversation with his family, leaving him in shock. 

“I first heard about the blocking of The Kashmir Walla when I spoke to my family, and it was devastating,” Shah recalled. “Inside the prison, other inmates came to me, offering support and sympathy. Everyone around me understood that I had lost something irreplaceable.” 

For Shah, the moment was deeply emotional and overwhelming. “The Kashmir Walla was my life’s work—I had poured my entire youth, my 20s, into building it. So many people had contributed to it, shaping it into something meaningful. And in a flash, it was gone. I never imagined that a small initiative I had started would grow so big—big enough to be seen as a threat, big enough to be wiped out like this.” 

Like Shah, the news of The Kashmir Walla's ban came as a devastating shock to dozens of young journalists who had been associated with the publication, either at the time or in the past. When Al Jazeera Institute reached out to around half a dozen of them for comments, they all spoke highly of the platform and the invaluable opportunities it had provided. However, not even one was willing to go on record. Their reluctance underscores the deep climate of fear and self-censorship that has gripped journalists in Kashmir—where even acknowledging their association with an independent newsroom has become a risk too great to take. 

The Kashmir Walla (KW) founder Fahad Shah
The Kashmir Walla (KW) founder Fahad Shah 


“When I joined The Kashmir Walla, it was one of the few truly independent news organisations in Kashmir, fearlessly reporting on issues that most others either avoided or couldn’t cover due to immense pressure," said a journalist who previously worked with the organisation. "The newsroom was fuelled by young, passionate journalists, all driven by an unyielding commitment to truth. It was a space where ideas were debated, challenged, and executed with a sense of urgency that defined our work. In a region where journalism is a high-risk profession, The Kashmir Walla stood as a rare symbol of defiance—committed to reporting with integrity despite the constant threats. The organisation shaped me and many others, and it is heartbreaking to know that future generations of journalists in Kashmir will be deprived of such a space.” 

Another journalist who worked as a features writer at The Kashmir Walla reflected on its significance, stating, “The organisation served as a crucial platform for many young journalists who were starting their careers at the time. As a features writer, I had the opportunity to explore a wide range of themes and report on issues that genuinely mattered to me. It provided a rare sense of editorial independence, allowing us to tell stories that often went unheard. Even though my time there lasted only a year, The Kashmir Walla was more than just a newsroom—it was a space where young journalists could grow, learn, and contribute meaningfully.” 


Current State of Affairs 

Even after securing bail, Shah continues to face severe restrictions. His passport was suspended by the government in 2023. He is barred from travelling, prohibited from using social media, and remains entangled in ongoing legal proceedings. Every month, he must travel to Jammu for court hearings, around 250 km away from his hometown, a relentless reminder that his freedom is conditional. 

“It feels like you are free when you get bail, but that’s not the reality,” Shah said. “You regain physical freedom, but mentally, you remain trapped. It takes a long time to truly feel free.” 

In a region where journalism is a high-risk profession, The Kashmir Walla stood as a rare symbol of defiance—committed to reporting with integrity despite the constant threats.

Despite enduring a gruelling two-year ordeal, Shah remains unwavering in his belief in journalism. "Journalism, at its core, is about reporting facts and speaking the truth—that is the fundamental faith every journalist must hold. Whether or not journalism leads to change is a different matter; it varies from story to story. But the act of telling stories, documenting realities, and bearing witness to history is what defines this profession. That mission remains unchanged, and it always will." 

Regardless of the challenges, Shah refuses to let his circumstances hold him back. “Circumstances shouldn’t stop a person from moving forward in life,” he added. “But the truth is, our society offers almost no support system for former prisoners trying to reintegrate. Returning to normalcy after years in prison is incredibly difficult because the world moves on, and people change. In the process, you lose relationships, time, and moments—things that never return. Life before prison doesn’t remain the same after you come back. You have to rebuild everything from scratch, piece it all together, and find a new way to make sense of it all.” 

When asked about the possibility of restarting The Kashmir Walla in any form, or whether it remains too dangerous, Shah said, "It all depends on the ongoing case. The trial under which it was blocked is still in progress. I believe there will be more clarity on the future of The Kashmir Walla only once that case reaches its conclusion." 




المزيد من المقالات

عن أصول الانتقال الإعلامي في سوريا

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Arabi Al-Masri
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Hoda Abu Hashem
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لماذا عدت إلى السودان؟

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Farhat Khedr
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مثل جميع طلاب غزة، وجد طلاب الإعلام أنفسهم يخوضون اختبارا لمعارفهم في ميادين الحرب بدلا من قاعات الدراسة. ورغم الجهود التي يبذلها الكادر التعليمي ونقابة الصحفيين لاستكمال الفصول الدراسية عن بعد، يواجه الطلاب خطر "الفراغ التعليمي" نتيجة تدمير الاحتلال للبنية التحتية.

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Zainab Afifa
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Razan Al-Hajj
رزان الحاج نشرت في: 22 ديسمبر, 2024
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Lama Rajeh
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Mawadah Bahah
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Ahmad Haj Hamdo
أحمد حاج حمدو نشرت في: 13 ديسمبر, 2024
صحفيو شمال غزة يكسرون عاما من العزلة

رغم الحصار والقتل والاستهداف المباشر للصحفيين الفلسطينيين في شمال غزة، يواصل "الشهود" توثيق جرائم الاحتلال في بيئة تكاد فيها ممارسة الصحافة مستحيلة.

محمد أبو قمر  نشرت في: 17 نوفمبر, 2024
جيريمي سكاهيل: الحرب على غزّة وضرورة العودة إلى "صحافة المواجهة"

يدعو الصحفي الاستقصائي الشهير جيريمي سكاهيل إلى إحياء ما أسماه "صحافة المواجهة" للتصدي لحالة التفريط بالقيم المهنية والإنسانية الأساسية في وسائل إعلام غربية مهيمنة، وخاصة في سياق تغطية الإبادة في قطاع غزة.

Mohammad Zeidan
محمد زيدان نشرت في: 6 نوفمبر, 2024
في السنغال.. "صحافة بلا صحافة"

شاشات سوداء، وإذاعات تكتم صوتها وصحف تحتجب عن الصدور في السنغال احتجاجا على إجراءات ضريبية أقرتها الحكومة. في البلد الذي يوصف بـ "واحة" الديمقراطية في غرب أفريقيا تواجه المؤسسات الإعلامية - خاصة الصغيرة - ضغوطا مالية متزايدة في مقابل تغول الرأسمال المتحكم في الأجندة التحريرية.

عبد الأحد الرشيد نشرت في: 5 نوفمبر, 2024
تهمة أن تكون صحفيا في السودان

بين متاريس الأطراف المتصارعة، نازحة تارة، ومتخفية من الرصاص تارة أخرى، عاشت الصحفية إيمان كمال الدين تجربة الصراع المسلح في السودان ونقلت لمجلة الصحافة هواجس وتحديات التغطية الميدانية في زمن التضليل واستهداف الصحفيين.

Iman Kamal El-Din is a Sudanese journalist and writer
إيمان كمال الدين نشرت في: 28 أكتوبر, 2024
الأثر النفسي لحرب الإبادة على الصحفيين

ما هي الآثار النفسية لتغطية حرب الإبادة على الصحفيين؟ وهل يؤثر انغماسهم في القضية على توازنهم ومهنيتهم؟ وماذا يقول الطب النفسي؟

أحمد الصباهي نشرت في: 18 أكتوبر, 2024
"أن تعيش لتروي قصتي"

في قصيدته الأخيرة، كتب الدكتور الشهيد رفعت العرعير قائلا "إذا كان لا بد أن أموت فلا بد أن تعيش لتروي قصتي".

لينا شنّك نشرت في: 15 أكتوبر, 2024
عامٌ على حرب الإبادة في فلسطين.. الإعلام الغربي وهو يساوي بين الجاني والضحيّة

ما تزال وسائل إعلام غربية كبرى تثبت أنّها طرفٌ في حـرب الرواية، ولصالح الاحتلال الاسرائيلي.. في هذا المقال، يوضّح الزميل محمد زيدان كيف أن وسائل إعلام غربية كبرى ما تزال تطوّر من تقنيات تحيّزها لصالح الاحتلال، رغم انقضاء عام كامل على حرب الإبـادة في فلسطين.

Mohammad Zeidan
محمد زيدان نشرت في: 8 أكتوبر, 2024
حسابات وهمية بأقنعة عربية.. "جيش إلكتروني منظم"

أُغرقت منصات التواصل الاجتماعي بآلاف الحسابات الوهمية التي تزعم أنها تنتمي إلى بلدان العربية: تثير النعرات، وتلعب على وتر الصراعات، وتؤسس لحوارات وهمية حول قضايا جدلية. الزميلة لندا، تتبعت عشرات الحسابات، لتكشف عن نمط متكرر غايته خلق رأي عام وهمي بشأن دعم فئات من العرب لإسرائيل.

Linda Shalash
لندا شلش نشرت في: 6 أكتوبر, 2024
رصد وتفنيد التغطيات الصحفية المخالفة للمعايير المهنية في الحرب الحالية على غزة

في هذه الصفحة، سيعمد فريق تحرير مجلة الصحافة على جمع الأخبار التي تنشرها المؤسسات الصحفية حول الحرب الحالية على غزة التي تنطوي على تضليل أو تحيز أو مخالفة للمعايير التحريرية ومواثيق الشرف المهنية.

مجلة الصحافة نشرت في: 23 سبتمبر, 2024
"مأساة" الصحفي النازح في غزة

بينما تقترب حرب الإبادة الجماعية في فلسطين من سنتها الأولى، ما يزال الصحفيون في غزة يبحثون عن ملاذ آمن يحميهم ويحمي عائلاتهم. يوثق الصحفي أحمد الأغا في هذا التقرير رحلة النزوح/ الموت التي يواجهها الصحفيون منذ بداية الحرب.

أحمد الأغا نشرت في: 22 سبتمبر, 2024
من الصحافة إلى الفلاحة أو "البطالة القسرية" للصحفيين السودانيين

كيف دفعت الحرب الدائرة في السودان العشرات من الصحفيين إلى تغيير مهنهم بحثا عن حياة كريمة؟ الزميل محمد شعراوي يسرد في هذا المقال رحلة صحفيين اضطرتهم ظروف الحرب إلى العمل في الفلاحة وبيع الخضروات ومهن أخرى.

Shaarawy Mohammed
شعراوي محمد نشرت في: 15 سبتمبر, 2024